Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Baby Love Day 1

 So you made it through the 10 months of caring a human inside your body. You watched your body grow in places you didn't know could get any bigger and felt pains in places you didn't know existed. Then less than 24 hours ago, you went through a metamorphosis, and with great pain and an absolute God filled miracle, you became a mom. 

Now you are laying in a bed, felling swollen, and yucky, like you've been through a meat grinder and left parts of you on the floor, literally. But next to you lies a beautiful baby, whose face you have dreamed about for months. You stare over at this wonderful creation and realize that you are now a mom, your whole world has just changed within a few hours. You no longer have the label "pregnant", you can actually see your feet again, there is a helpless human being looking up at you that wants, no demands, your love, your care, your time, but most of all your boobs(if you are breastfeeding).

 The worries begin to run through your mind, how can I do this? What if I screw this up? What if I make mistakes?OMG! How am I going to do this? Calm down, you can do this. Take a deep breath, say a quick prayer to the Lord and as Nike would say "Just Do It". You will screw up, you will make mistakes, many of them. But for the Grace of God, you will survive and your baby will survive. Right now absorb all you can of the moment, you will never get it back. You baby will never ever be a day old, 2 days old, 3 days old again. The next few days are going to be rough. You life will change drastically as you are now accountable for someone besides yourself but your life will be so much richer because of it. Babies are a lot of work but they bring you love and joy and happiness like nothing else in this world.  Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life! 

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